Scientific Visualization

References & Resources:

  1. Andy Johnson's CS 491 - Visualization and Visual Analytics web site.
  2. Edward Tufte:
    1. "Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition"
    2. "Envisioning Information"
    3. "Visual Explanations - Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative"
  3. Wikipedia: Scientific Visualization
  4. K.W. Brodlie, "Scientific Visualization: Techniques and Applications"

General Overview

Classification of Scientific Visualization

There are many different ways to classify ( scientific ) information visualizations. One way is the dimensionality of the domain over which the data is defined, and the dimensionality of the data to be displayed at each location. Data can also be categorized as to whether it is continuous or categorical. For example:



Here is an example of a single icon illustrating 4 values, independant of its position in 3-D space. Color indicates termperature, height indicates volume, shape indicates pressure, and sound indicates entropy.